Saturday, January 11, 2014

Chery - menu plan, Week 1/5

This week was all about using leftovers that we had from  the holidays, as well as using ingredients that were about to expire or had just been hanging out in the pantry for a while.  I also decided to make TWO recipes from the 1980 Southern Living.   Chris & I are going over to some friends house for the National Championship game, so I am bringing a 1980 style chili.  We shall see how this goes over, It should be interesting.  The game & the chili.

Week one:
Baked fish with sour cream Parmesan crust - This is a recipe I created (or at least, we didn't have a recipe to follow).
2 (fresh or frozen) Tilapia filets
1/2 cup Sour Cream
3 tbls Parmesean Cheese

* Mix sour cream and cheese together and spread evenly over filets.  Bake at 350 for 10 - 15 minutes (until fish is done).  

I know, ridiculously easy.  I'm almost embarrassed to post this one, but it is good.  Not to mention quick and easy ;0)

We are also going to make the following:
Mexican Tortilla Soup
Chicken in wine sauce (Southern Living, 1980)
Spinach(Dip) Stuffed Chicken
Spinach & Cheese Pasta

A little background on me & my cooking style...  For one, it is just me and my husband, Chris and our 14 year old boxer "puppy", Mia.  We try to make smaller dishes so we won't have too many leftovers.  We have realized in the past 7 years of marriage, we just aren't good at eating them.  We do enjoy cooking and I love to bake.  But with just the two of us, baking isn't always a good thing.  I am truly blessed with my husband, Chris, who takes an active role in menu planning and helping me cook.  Cooking is something fun we like to do together when we can.

In our house, I am the picky eater.  I am on a gluten free diet due to medical needs, so we end up cooking duplicates of most recipes.  I will generally make a dish two ways because my husband is not on the same diet plan (and as those of us who are gluten free know, it isn't *quite* the same).  I am also trying to eat a little healthier, but have never been a vegetable eater.  I'm trying, though.  I guess the last thing about me is that for protein, I only eat chicken.   Since I married a Florida boy, I have been adding some fish to the menu... but, I'm still pretty picky on the type of fish.
All of that to say, I'm trying to expand my eating horizons; but I've been a picky eater for 33 years.  It is a somewhat difficult thing to overcome.  

- Chery

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