Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Banana Wheat Bread (Southern Living 1981)

This all started as a baking need during our first Snowpocalypse (the one in which we actually got snow that stayed for days. Not the most recent one in which school was cancelled for 3 days and we got approximately 1/2 inch of snow on the evening of the second day.) So I picked out an Oatmeal Raisin Bread from my Southern Living. I made it and it was really good! However, I am losing it and didn't take a single picture. Nary. A. Single. One. Oh well. I decided I would just remake the bread with a few modifications I thought of. 

Then I noticed 3 please-make-banana-bread-from-me bananas on the counter. I decided to make this:
 I edited the recipe to look like this:
I was intrigued because honey was the only sweetener and because it was made solely with whole wheat flour. My boys both like banana bread, but I wasn't sure how they would react to this one. I knew I would like it, so I went for it. :)

It started out innocently enough.
Then I went to get out a loaf pan from the drawer beneath the oven. 
Pull harder.
Pull really really way harder.
Nothing. I find some weapons: namely, a wooden spoon. 

The Hubs calls. I confess, "I can't open the oven drawer."
Junior overhears from where he is working on school work. "I can open it," he says confidently.
He comes to my rescue. "It's stuck."
Uh. Yeah. I know.
J-Boy was not to be outdone, so he tried. In the process he moves the entire oven. The Hubs came home. I reminded him of my plight. He couldn't get it open.

Well. You know what they say. When oven drawers get stuck, make muffins.

This is not a repeatable recipe for us. The boys didn't like it. Well...I might try again in a loaf pan and with chocolate chips. Yum! If I can ever get that oven drawer open... I currently have one spring-form pan, one muffin tin, a pizza stone, and one baking sheet I happened to be washing with this catastrophe started. Here's hoping I get it open soon!

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