Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Cheesy Spinach Souffle (Southern Living 1981)

J-Boy said this dish tasted like nothing. He then amended his comment by adding that it tasted a little bit cheesy. Junior abstained from commenting and I didn't ask. The look of disgust on his face spoke volumes. 
Lindy assigned this recipe. We thought if my kids were going to like it, it needed to be cheesy. I guess this one wasn't cheesy enough for them! However, The Hubs and I both liked this one a lot. 

I served it two nights in a row (hey, I like to use the leftovers!). The boys seemed to have an easier time eating the first time - it even tasted more spinach-y to me the second night. (But for me...that's a good thing!)

But wow on the preparation!  This is a for real souffle! Well...I'm guessing that it is. I've never made one before! This girl whipped egg whites into peaks and gently folded them into the spinach mix (which, by the by, had a béchamel sauce involved) before baking. Good thing Baby Girl was napping well!  

The original recipe:


I didn't use any fresh onion, just minced dried onion. I had some frozen to use, just didn't fool with it.  There were also crazy instructions for making a foil collar. Wow. Skipped that. It seemed wholly unnecessary. I guess I'll never know if it was or not. I can't see what it would have done differently to the outcome of the dish. 

I have a problem. I keep forgetting to take process pictures! Here's when I remembered I hadn't taken any pictures:

I had just folded the egg whites in and put the mix into the casserole dish. It was also at this point that I seriously considered taking pictures of all of the dirty dishes to prove I had actually done something. I then decided against it. You're welcome.

This is after I put the Parmesan cheese on top. Impressive, right? And, if you look at the upper right hand corner - the bowl I used to whip the egg whites! I guess I kinda took a dirty dish picture. Forgive me.

 And after it baked:

I thought this was good. Not too cheesy. The spinach flavor definitely came through (hence the boys not liking it). It was a winner for me and the Hubs, but I can't say I will make it again. It was a too time consuming for a side dish...especially one the boys won't like. Maybe I'd be willing to make it for a potluck or holiday - something where I just bring a thing or two.

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