Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Asparagus Supreme (Southern Living, 1980)

Lin and I realized when we were picking our April meals, both of our years have quite a few Asparagus recipes to choose from... and neither one of us had ever had asparagus.  We are both over 30 years old.  How is it possible that we have not had asparagus?  Mom?  Dad?  You reading this?  Any answers?  I'm sure it dates back to not eating anything green and complaining about everything that went into a dish... but, really, I should have tried it as an adult before now.  It was wonderful!

Asparagus Supreme
1 lb fresh asparagus spears
1 tbls butter
1 tbls cornstarch
1 cup milk 
1 tsp lemon juice
dash of salt
dash of nutmeg
2 tbls mozzarella cheese

Boil asparagus.  
Melt butter, add cornstarch.  Slowly add milk, stir until thick and remove from heat.  Add salt, nutmeg and cheese; stir until cheese melts.  Pour sauce over asparagus.  

Just to make sure everyone who knows me knows that I'm still me - I couldn't do the ham.  Even with my expanding vegetable horizon, I still don't think I'll be able to ever do the whole 4-legged animal thing (much to my husband's dismay).  Other than the ham, and cutting it in half, I left the rest pretty much the same.  We had quite a bit of sauce left over.  And... my "dash" of nutmeg came out REALLY fast, so it was a lttle nutmeg-y.  Still really good.  

Until next time,

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