Thursday, April 20, 2017

I'm back! Also, snickerdoodles

So I'm back. 


It's me. Audry. 

::Taps mic::


Remember me? Yes? No? Maybe? Well get ready cause I'm back! We'll see if I can get my sisters on board.

A lot has changed since my last post. We have a whole nother human being in the house! Which means we have about 943872594978 people under one roof. Okay, fine. Six.

T-man is 7 months old and has really given us a run for our money already. I'm a nursing mama and my sweet T-man has some intolerances (And now I'm all distracted b/c my computer is telling me that intolerances is not a word - dreaded red squiggly underline. So now I gotta consult an outside source...the Internet says it is a word, and we all know the internet does not lie. So I'll just be over here adding it to the dictionary) to different things that were passing through into my milk. His GI doc told us he is dairy and soy intolerant. I also managed to figure out that he has intolerances to tree nuts and avocado. Although I bought some avocado yesterday to have a trial and I forgot to do that today! 

Around Christmas I had given up the top 8 allergens (dairy, eggs, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish), corn, chocolate, carrots, that even all? I can't remember. Basically I ate potatoes. For about a month. Bye bye baby weight! I will write a more detailed account of our MSPI journey at some point in case anyone out there in internet land cares. 

Okay, so let's get to a recipe. 

So this recipe hails from my mid-February life. Which means it is egg, wheat, dairy and soy free. And it's cookies. I told y'all I was getting to a recipe! 
This recipe is a variation on this one.

1/2 cup soy/dairy free butter alternative (I've used melt buttery sticks, earth balance soy free, and smart balance all with success and no reaction from my boy)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon ground flax seed (flax meal?) mixed with 3 tablespoon water (this is your new friend "flax egg" Hi Flax Egg!)
1 1/4 cup white rice flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 cup cinnamon sugar (this will give you you can just eyeball some kind of less than 1/4 cup granulated sugar with however much cinnamon floats your snickerdoodle boat)

1. Make your Flax Egg - mix the flax seed meal with water and set aside. You can put in the fridge for a few minutes (So says the Internet), but I never did. Primarily because cookies can't wait.
2. Preheat oven to 375 degrees (or if you're like me, wait and do this last)
3. Cream together "butter" and brown sugar
4. Beat in our old pal Flax Egg
5. Stir in white rice flour and baking soda. I always like to mix them together at the top of the bowl a little bit before mixing in with the other ingredients. 
6. Roll into small balls. Obviously if you can't roll them (sticky dough) add more flour...or if you think they need more liquid throw in some water. Do your thing. I could usually make around 10 or 12 depending on how small small was for me at the time.
7. Roll in the delightful cinnamon sugar mixture.
8. Put on can squash them down a little bit before baking or leave them in a ball to be super dome shaped. 
9. Bake 10-12 minutes.

Y'all. These are so good. I don't even want to try to make them with real eggs now that I can eat eggs again. I also wouldn't want to use regular flour! White rice flour is where it's at.

Sorry, no pictures. :( I'll try to do better on the next recipe.