Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Blueberry Crumble (Southern Living 1981)

 This is actually a recipe from April, but I had to go back in time for it, y'all! 

I took the kiddos to pick blueberries at a local you-pick farm. It is too fun! So we went back! Really, have you ever been to a you-pick farm? We loved it - I couldn't recommend it more! Freshly picked blueberries are SO MUCH better than the kind you get at the store. WOW! I want to grow some at home! Except...I'd kill them. Or they just wouldn't grow from the seed. It's a wonder I manage to keep these kids alive and healthy because I promptly kill every plant that enters our home (or yard). Sigh.

So, the first time we went blueberry picking, I asked the boys what they wanted to make. Junior wanted to make a cobbler and J-Boy wanted to make a pie. (Of course. Does anyone else's kids do this? If we have more than one choice, it's like a law of nature that they  MUST pick opposites. If you know how to change this, let me know!) 

So, we went pie the first time. The second time I knew we'd need to make a cobbler. I couldn't resist trying out this recipe, even though it wasn't in the right month!

 Here's the original recipe:
I made a few modifications. Fresh blueberries (of course), about 1/4 cup sugar, and I also used about 2T of flour to keep the juice thick. I used the juice of 1/2 a lemon. 
I followed the topping directions pretty closely, except I went a little light on the brown sugar. I try to leave out some sugar whenever possible.

So, here's the haul that went in to the crumble. 
Notice the blackberries? The boys found a wild blackberry bush entwined with one of the blueberry bushes. They were pumped and went to town picking. Junior asked me to include them in the crumble.

The berries with the sugar, but before the flour got involved. I think.

Here's the topping ready to go.

Action shot. Maybe I was also falling? Not sure.

Y'all. This. Was. Fantastic. We had it for dessert when some dear friends of ours were over for dinner. It was 100% approved by all.  It even got "2 kicks" of approval from our friends' in utero little one! :)

Well, Junior didn't like it, but I'm attributing that to the fact that 1. He doesn't like fruit, and 2. He put chocolate ice cream with it. Not a good combination in my opinion.

There was only one teeny serving left. I accidentally had it for breakfast the next morning. Yum! I was so into it, I forgot to take an after picture! This is a winner recipe. Go pick some blueberries. Eat some. Make some crumble. It's a win.



  1. I love this! It sounds like a recipe I used to make. Does the page have drips and messy fingerprints on it? I can't wait to make it.

    1. It's the best! It looked like a well loved page. :)
