Friday, January 10, 2014

2014 Challenge: The Beginning

When my two sisters and I began talking about blogging together, we were going to focus on meal planning, which we will still do.  However, our challenge is the twist.  A Southern Living challenge.  To fully understand the challenge, there is, of course, a story behind the challenge.

Our mom began her love for Southern Living cookbooks early in her years of motherhood.  1979 to be exact.  I was only two years old; middle sister, Chery, wasn't even born yet.  We have many fond memories of food being made from these Southern Living cookbooks and, as young children, some not so fond memories, too.

Our mom has graciously loaned each of us one of her Southern Living cookbooks.  Being the oldest, I have 1979.  Chery has her birth year, 1980.  Audry has 1981.  

The challenge is that each month we will make at least nine recipes from "our" assigned Southern Living cookbook with each sister picking three of the recipes.  The challenge of using an older cookbook and recipes being picked by one another is added to the challenge that each of us has completely different dietary wants / needs.  So, each Southern Living recipe we will make will be updated to fit our needs / wants. We'll post the "old" recipe and then post how we've modified it.  To understand why modifying the recipes can be a challenge, you'll have to learn a bit more about each of us. 

Southern Living 1979 is "my" cookbook for 2014.  I am a working mother of three, all under the age of 6.  I also strive to make everything healthy for us - less sugar and whole wheat / grains.  Since I am a working mom, I also like to make meals quickly and easily.

Chery will be cooking from Southern Living 1980 this year.  See all those beautiful cakes and breads on the front?  Well, Chery is gluten free, does not eat red meat, and does not like most vegetables. Her husband is trying to help broaden her horizons at least a little bit.

Audry is currently a stay-at-home mom of three and is going to be cooking from Southern Living 1981.  Her youngest is less than a year; her boys are 8 and 10 and are quite picky when it comes to food. 

Let the fun begin!


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