Saturday, January 11, 2014

Audry - Menu Plan 1/12/2014

I used to be really, really terrible at meal planning.  

Then I got really awesome at it. I was even planning a month at a time over the summer. 

Then... well, then Baby Girl was born.  And we began eating cereal, drive thru, frozen pizza, etc. Whoops. I'm trying really hard to get back into the swing of planning. After all, the baby is almost 5 months old. I can't use the newborn excuse anymore.
So, this is the plan for next week. Just don't hold me to it, okay?
Sunday: breakfast (typical Sunday night)
Monday: chicken-in-a-pot (Lindy's pick from my Southern Living)
Tuesday: some kind of made up chicken soup with leftover chicken.  I'll let you know what I come up with.
Wednesday: this depends on if there's more chicken to use up or not. Chicken in a hut or chicken quesadillas if there are still leftovers.  If not... well I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. If I come to it.
Thursday: pork spaghetti bake (Chery's pick from my Southern living)
Friday: pizza of some kind... I'll either pick one up after Junior's basketball practice, we'll do homemade, or I'll do pizza casserole.  I'm hoping for the pick one up thing. 

That's the plan! Let's see how I do.  :)


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