Monday, April 14, 2014

Lindy - Menu Plan 04/13/2014

Last week's menu plan didn't go quite as planned.  Little Man ended up having a make-up baseball game on Thursday night, so I ended up not making Macaroni and Cheese.  I'm not planning to make-up the Macaroni and Cheese - at least not this week.  The Chicken Filling Luau ended up being perfect for picnic dinners at the ball field on Tuesday and Thursday nights.

For Sunday brinner, Little Man requested waffles; Little Miss requested pancakes.  Since I often try to use the leftover brinner for breakfasts later that week or even later from the freezer, I decided to make both.  I cheated, slightly, because I chose a pancake recipe from the May section of Southern Living 1979.  I'll wait to post about them in May.  Little Miss and I made them right after her nap so that I only had to make the waffles closer to dinner time.

Tonight, we had Mozzarella-Layered Meatloaf (Southern Living 1979).  This ended up okay.  K-man thought it needed more cheese.  More on that in another post.  We ate it with green beans.

This rest of this week's plan includes:
Sherried Baked Chicken (Southern Living 1979)

Lemon Fried Chicken (Southern Living 1979) and Sauteed Asparagus (Southern Living 1979)


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