Monday, February 16, 2015

Buttermilk Refrigerator Rolls (Southern Living 1982)

Hey y'all! It's been a while. We're still here, and have still been cooking... just not much posting. 

Okay, fine. 

Not any posting.
Things have changed some around here.  Baby Girl is not so much a baby anymore.

She's a full blown toddler. She's perfected the furrowed brow and refusal of foods she ate with gusto the day, or even the meal before. So that's been fun. 

The boys are growing up too. Mostly just up. Junior is nearly as tall as me! Sniff!

We traded in our cookbooks! I'm using 1982. (aka the best year ever, aka the year of my birth)

Okay, on to today's recipe. I'm a sucker for bread recipes. I. Love. Bread. But yeast breads and raising and all that jazz can be about 0% fun in winter.  This recipe goes straight into the fridge, which I love.

The recipe:


Only one major change. The recipe calls for shortening. I try not to cook with shortening - I don't keep it in the house. 

So, for this recipe I used a combination of butter and coconut oil. Halfsies.

I used 2.5 cups of regular ap flour and 2 cups of white whole wheat. I think that's all. 

Except this happened. 

For the first time ever I bought a gallon of buttermilk. A. Gallon. I got a teensy bit excited about all the buttermilk recipes in my cookbook and in the February issue of Southern Living magazine. I'm looking at you triple chocolate buttermilk cake.
So get ready for the buttermilk. 

Those of you who know me well know I have approximately no memory. But, for some inexplicable reason I can remember that my music teacher in 4th grade drank buttermilk with her lunch. I can still picture her cartons of buttermilk sitting untouched by anyone but her in the milk fridge thing in the lunchline. I guess it was so scarringly gross my crazy brain decided to remember that. Not Disney World. The buttermilk-drinking music teacher.

So. The rolls are good. I'm glad I didn't go all coconut oil or all butter. The mix was yummy. No coconut flavor at all.


But this happened.
Just a touch too long on the last batch. Just a touch. You can see the few that got a bit too much love. I'll blame it on the fact that we were already eating when I put in the last batch. It can be really hard to hear that timer go off. And other excuses.

All in all, it was a winner. Next time I would cook them a bit longer than I did the first two batches, but not quite as long as the third batch. Probably 15-18 minutes in my oven.


  1. I am so glad that you are back at the blog! I have missed it so much.These look yummy! I don't know about coconut oil. Really?

    1. Really! It's great. We use it in everything. It can give a coconutty flavor sometimes, but it's really delish!

  2. Glad you are back too I feel the same way with Shortening

    1. Thanks for the comment! Shortening is pretty gross! :)
