Thursday, April 24, 2014

Sauteed Asparagus (Southern Living 1979)

As Chery said in an earlier post, we challenged one another with an asparagus dish.  I have never prepared asparagus and cannot remember ever having it before.  This is very strange to me, because I tend to like vegetables, which is why I was a little excited about this challenge.  However, I wasn't too sure how my family would react to asparagus. 
K-man agreed to give asparagus a try with Sherried Baked Chicken Breasts (instead of Lemon Fried Chicken), so I looked up what it meant to "snap off tough ends of asparagus" and "remove scales with knife" and I was good to go. I used closer to 1.5 to 2 T butter and that was plenty for us, and other than that I stuck to the recipe.  K-man liked it (he surprised himself with that one as evidenced by the three lonely asparagus spears on his first helping), as did Roo and I.  Little Man and Little Miss were not sold on it, but I didn't get any fusses about it.  I think Little Man liked it better than he thought he would, and I think that Daddy liking it so much did help some.

An easy recipe + little to no complaints = winner.


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