Sunday, March 2, 2014

Audry - Menu Plan 3/2/2014

Last week:
On Sunday I made homemade cinnamon rolls and scrambled eggs for breakfast for dinner. The boys still cheer every Sunday night because they are SO happy we're having breakfast for dinner. I haven't decided if it's because they REALLY love syrup or because they REALLY love a no-veggie dinner. I'm thinking it's the latter.
Monday we ate an early snack and went out for dinner after the late basketball game. Junior lost, J-Man won. That meant Tuesday was basketball as well. I made Barbecued Beef from Southern Living for us to eat after the game. More like Barbecued gross. I'm not even going to torture y'all with a post about that recipe. We'll never make it again.

More like Barbecued Gross. Served over rice.

On Wednesday I got to enjoy dinner with the sisters and Lindy's three kiddos. Way fun! I took Applesauce-Graham Cracker Pudding. Check out the link to see what her kids vs. my kids thought about this one.
The pudding pre-oven.

On Thursday I made meatloaf per the hubs' request. Friday the guys all went to the wild game supper at our church. I got to spend the evening with our mom (it was her birthday!) and our Aunt Joy. And of course Baby Girl! We had a great time.  Mom brought BBQ. I turned the leftovers into BBQ pizza on Saturday. For those who were wondering... our new mattress finally showed up on Saturday! Hooray! The shipment had been delayed twice, and I had all but given up hope...

This week's plan:
Sunday: pancakes, grits, and bacon (The Hubs is cooking!)
Monday: Texas championship Chili from Southern Living
fiesta chicken
Wednesday: leftovers
Thursday:  burgers or defrosted pork bbq (The Hubs made a ton of pork bbq a few months ago and we froze enough for several meals. LOVE having this on  hand!)
date night!  Our anniversary was last week so The Hubs got a baby sitter for the boys and is taking me and Baby Girl out on the town! We'll probably order pizza for the boys and the sitter.


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