Saturday, March 15, 2014

Poppy Seed Muffins (Southern Living 1981)

The cast of characters:

Sometimes, you just need some muffins. I'd planned to make these over the weekend, but ran out of time. It was late in the week before I finally got to this recipe that Chery assigned to me. Junior was glad I did! While I was mixing ingredients, Junior said, "This already smells good!" I informed him the good smell he was smelling was the vanilla yogurt. Ahem. 

This recipe was interesting at best.

I liked that I could replace the sour cream with Greek yogurt. Let's see...what else did I do differently...I did not use vanilla flavoring (because the yogurt was vanilla) and I didn't have biscuit mix. I improvised with flour, baking soda, salt,and oil. Skipped the raisins (didn't have any, didn't want them in it)...and I used WAY less sugar. They were still pretty sweet.

Here's all that "biscuit mix" business in the bowl:
It was at this point that I reread the recipe approximately 9742582095 times. 

Really? No other liquids? Maybe I should read it again. Still none. Okay. Let's see what happens.
Here they are looking thick in the oven. I forgot to take a picture before I put them in. I was not about to disturb them while they were baking for in case they somehow got more liquidy in the oven.

For those who are wondering, that's Baby Girl's exersaucer looking weird reflected in the oven door.

Junior started to worry about them while they were baking. He alerted me to the fact that they were done enough several times. I told him to do his math, I was waiting on "Muffin Magic" to occur in the oven.
Who knows what went wrong with these muffins. Junior loved them. I guess he'd say nothing went wrong. I thought they were pretty good, even if quite thick. I think he's like me, though, in that he and I appreciate anything that can be a vehicle for butter. Slather it on, make sure it's melty and I'll eat it. Yum. The Hubs could hardly swallow and managed to creak out a "these are pretty dry". J-Boy said it tasted like nothing. We might need to have his taste buds checked. Spinach souffle? Nothing. Poppy Seed muffins? Nothing. Oh well. He ate it. Is a poppy seed like a vegetable?

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